Annual Sponsorship - Diamond
- Sponsors to all of our major events throughout the calendar year
- 1 Sponsorship sold, exclusive to each industry
- 1 table/team for each major event
- Unlimited tickets to luncheons (8 total luncheons in the year)
- Quarterly Supplier social
- Exclusive sponsor of 1 luncheon
- Exclusive sponsor at Fair Housing/REDBOOK Education, our largest education event
- 1 Learn@Lunch host
- Largest logo on every email from LAA
- Largest logo on signage at all events
- Logo on sponsor section
- Banner on Member Compass Page
- Banner on Buyer's Guide
- Rotating member spotlight on
- Front Tab in Annual printed Membership Directory
- Upgraded listing in online Membership Directory
- Signage in LAA conference room
- Feature social media posts
- Front Page feature Blog on
- Unlimited Ride-along
- Annual Dues ($375) included in the total cost
- 12 months to pay the package cost
This Annual Sponsorship package is a must for those who are looking to maximize their marketing potential in the Lubbock area